Coding standards, to me, is very similar to grammar. Following a set of rules will control how all essays or codes you write will look like. So in essence, all of your writing will look similar if you have good grammar and all of your coding will look similar with good coding standards. And all of this consistency will help achieve maximum legibility.
Whether good coding standards will help you learn a programming language, I am not too sure. With a variety of coding standards you could choose from any IDE, there isn’t a wrong one to choose from. If you do write with bad coding standards, there is often a button that will tell the IDE to fix the code such that it will meeting the coding standards. Since most of the coding standards is automatic, does it really play a role in learning a language?
So far, using Intellij and ESLint has been rough. I have failed a WOD because of coding standards. I forgot to turn on my ESLint. However, I am certain that my code works such that it ouptuts the correct answer. I think one of the major flaw of the coding standard being automatic is that I don’t know what the coding standard is looking for. Are there two spaces after the function parameters? New line before or after the curly braces? After all, the machine doesn’t care for most of the spacing when compiling. I should see what ESLint’s coding standard is.