Reflect on JavaScript 1

06 Sep 2019

Prior to ICS 314, I have barely touched JavaScript. I do know C/C++ and Java and heard these languages are both very similar and very different to JS. I haven’t had a class that taught with JS or website development. I have used Google Chrome to examine source code of a site but, I was using HTML. Essentially, I have very little experience with JS.

My favorite programming language is Java. It is my first langauge and I’ve built many programs through Oracle’s Netbean IDE (which is now Apache NetBeans). Java to me is one of the most flexible langauge to build software from. The library system is easy to use and allows me to build a program quickly. My one gripe with Java, unlike C, has little control on memory.

So as with two weeks into the ICS 314 and the particpating in WOD, there is one aspect of JS that I find interesting is that it is very similar and different from C++ or Java. The code looks like Java, Strings can be interacted like in C++, but then variable types are almost not important in JS. During WOD, I find myself writing String, int, and boolean in a variable declaration or function definition. JS does fusterates me, but I still want to increase the number of programming languages that I can write in. With practice in and outside of class, I hope I can get better times in WOD as the course goes on.